La próxima Conferencia del Agua de Naciones Unidas, que tendrá lugar del 22 al 24 de Marzo en la Sede de Naciones Unidas en Nueva York, será uno de los eventos más importantes de la esfera del agua a nivel mundial. Este encuentro hará una revisión intermedia de la Década de la Acción para Agua y el Saneamiento (2018-2028) y articulará un extenso diálogo entre gobiernos, sector privado, organizaciones civiles, académicas, científicas, y partes interesadas en general en la búsqueda de compromisos firmes frente a la crisis del agua.
La Agenda de la Conferencia incluye una sesión de apertura y otra de cierre, seis sesiones plenarias y cinco diálogos interactivos:
Diálogo interactivo 1: Agua para la Salud
Diálogo interactivo 2: Agua para el Desarrollo Sostenible
Diálogo interactivo 3: Agua para el Clima, la Resiliencia y el Medio Ambiente
Diálogo interactivo 4: Agua para la Cooperación
Diálogo interactivo 5: Década de la Acción por el Agua
Además, se celebrarán eventos paralelos dentro de la sede de NNUU organizados por los participantes, así como otros eventos paralelos que tendrán lugar fuera de la sede.
En concreto, los países del ámbito de la CODIA organizarán los siguientes eventos dentro de la Sede de las Naciones Unidas:
Día | Hora | Sala | Organizador | Título | Diálogo interactivo | ID de evento |
Miércoles, 22 de marzo | 11:00 – 12:15 | Side Event Room C | CEIAP S.C. co-organizado con el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de México | Rivers at heart: water pollution and social inclusion in Mexico | ID 2: Water for Sustainable Development: Valuing Water, Water-Energy-Food Nexus and Sustainable Economic and Urban Development (SDG 6.3, 6.4, 6.5 and SDGs 2, 8, 9, 11, 12); | HQ16 |
Miércoles, 22 de marzo | 14:00 – 15:15 | Side Event Room 8 | Bolivia | Transboundary cooperation and science for integrated sustainable management of Amazon waters | ID 4: Water for Cooperation: Transboundary and International Water Cooperation, Cross Sectoral Cooperation, including Scientific Cooperation, and Water Across the 2030 Agenda (SDG 6.5, 6.b and SDGs 16, 17); | HQ49 |
Miércoles, 22 de marzo | 18:30 – 19:45 | Side Event Room 5 | Portugal | The water-climate nexus: Governance as a key driver for climate resilient water and sanitation services | ID 2: Water for Sustainable Development: Valuing Water, Water-Energy-Food Nexus and Sustainable Economic and Urban Development (SDG 6.3, 6.4, 6.5 and SDGs 2, 8, 9, 11, 12); | HQ53 |
Miércoles, 22 de marzo | 18:30 – 19:45 | Side Event Room 7 | Paraguay | International and transboundary cooperation of integrated water management: from data collection to implementation | ID 4: Water for Cooperation: Transboundary and International Water Cooperation, Cross Sectoral Cooperation, including Scientific Cooperation, and Water Across the 2030 Agenda (SDG 6.5, 6.b and SDGs 16, 17); | HQ55 |
Jueves, 23 de marzo | 08:00 – 09:15 | ECOSOC | Colombia | The Freshwater Challenge – Mobilizing Action to Restore Freshwater Ecosystems | ID 3: Water for Climate, Resilience and Environment: Source to Sea, Biodiversity, Climate, Resilience and DRR (SDGs 6.5, 6.6, 7, 11.5, 13, 14, 15); | HQ63 |
Jueves, 23 de marzo | 12:30 – 13:45 | ECOSOC | Panamá | Taking next steps for a water and climate resilient world through capacity development of people and organizations | ID 5: Water Action Decade: Accelerating the implementation of the objectives of the Decade, including through the UN Secretary-General’s Action Plan. | HQ88 |
Jueves, 23 de marzo | 12:30 – 13:45 | Side Event Room 6 | Costa Rica | Water and agriculture for climate in Latin America and the Caribbean | ID 3: Water for Climate, Resilience and Environment: Source to Sea, Biodiversity, Climate, Resilience and DRR (SDGs 6.5, 6.6, 7, 11.5, 13, 14, 15); | HQ90 |
Jueves, 23 de marzo | 12:30 – 13:45 | Side Event Room 8 | Ecuador | FRESHWATER PROTECTION FOR PEOPLE NATURE: National commitments for the water agenda. | ID 3: Water for Climate, Resilience and Environment: Source to Sea, Biodiversity, Climate, Resilience and DRR (SDGs 6.5, 6.6, 7, 11.5, 13, 14, 15); | HQ92 |
Jueves, 23 de marzo | 14:00 – 15:15 | Side Event Room 8 | España | Drought resilience: transforming water scarcity into prosperity pathways. | ID 3: Water for Climate, Resilience and Environment: Source to Sea, Biodiversity, Climate, Resilience and DRR (SDGs 6.5, 6.6, 7, 11.5, 13, 14, 15); | HQ104 |
Jueves, 23 de marzo | 17:00 – 18:15 | Side Event Room 6 | Guatemala | Supporting gender equality in the Water Action Agenda with Global Multi-stakeholder effort | ID 5: Water Action Decade: Accelerating the implementation of the objectives of the Decade, including through the UN Secretary-General’s Action Plan. | HQ122 |
Viernes, 24 de marzo | 09:30 – 10:45 | Side Event Room 8 | Brasil | From goals to results – the scenario of water resources and sanitation in Brazil | ID 5: Water Action Decade: Accelerating the implementation of the objectives of the Decade, including through the UN Secretary-General’s Action Plan. | HQ154 |
Viernes, 24 de marzo | 11:00 – 12:15 | Side Event Room 8 | República Dominicana | TBD | ID 2: Water for Sustainable Development: Valuing Water, Water-Energy-Food Nexus and Sustainable Economic and Urban Development (SDG 6.3, 6.4, 6.5 and SDGs 2, 8, 9, 11, 12); | HQ164 |
Viernes, 24 de marzo | 11:00 – 12:15 | ECOSOC | UNESCO,CONAGUA | Science based Global Water Assessment | ID 5: Water Action Decade: Accelerating the implementation of the objectives of the Decade, including through the UN Secretary-General’s Action Plan. | |
Viernes, 24 de marzo | 15:30 – 16:45 | ECOSOC | Perú | From Mar del Plata to the United Nations 2023 Water Conference: where do we go? | ID 5: Water Action Decade: Accelerating the implementation of the objectives of the Decade, including through the UN Secretary-General’s Action Plan. | HQ192 |
Viernes, 24 de marzo | 15:30 – 16:45 | Trusteeship | Chile | Inclusive Science for Water Security | ID 5: Water Action Decade: Accelerating the implementation of the objectives of the Decade, including through the UN Secretary-General’s Action Plan. | HQ193 |